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Richard Marcus's avatar
Richard Marcus committed
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Richard Marcus's avatar
Richard Marcus committed
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Richard Marcus's avatar
Richard Marcus committed
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Richard Marcus's avatar
Richard Marcus committed
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Richard Marcus's avatar
Richard Marcus committed
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Richard Marcus's avatar
Richard Marcus committed
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Richard Marcus's avatar
Richard Marcus committed
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Richard Marcus's avatar
Richard Marcus committed
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Richard Marcus's avatar
Richard Marcus committed
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Richard Marcus's avatar
Richard Marcus committed
  m_text: 'You will find yourself in a virtual forest-like environment. Your task
    is to measure the height of a tree with the help of gadgets and trigonometry.
    This game was built with the FrameIT method, which proposes the use of Knowledge
    Management Systems in game development.

    The FrameIT Framework then uses MMT for knowledge management and connects it to
    Unity so that we can utilize it during interaction with the virtual world.

Richard Marcus's avatar
Richard Marcus committed
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Richard Marcus's avatar
Richard Marcus committed
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Richard Marcus's avatar
Richard Marcus committed
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Richard Marcus committed
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