If you live in the Northern hemisphere and switch to daylight saving time, it should be the same local time as it used to.
Note that some countries may switch a few weeks earlier or later.
The shift makes it more convenient for our Japanese attendees.*
**NOTE: Reduced Meeting Frequency**
*As we have discussed in the last meeting, we will change the schedule and meet only every
four weeks for now.*
The SIGMathLing seminar is a seminar on mathematical language that currently occurs every four weeks.
@@ -78,8 +78,3 @@ and a mattermost channel for chat. To join the mattermost channel:
|2021-01-04| - | *cancelled (too close to New Year)* |
|2020-12-21| Deborah Mendes Ferreira | Premise Selection in Natural Language: Finding supporting facts for mathematical statements ([slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14ZVrp2kiOmthWeLBugraFdIVkd4z-PqfJMT-nlRX-e4/edit?usp=sharing)) |
|2020-12-07|Deyan Ginev|Language and mathematics pretraining in 2021: preparing the large open datasets ([slides](https://prodg.org/talks/language_and_math_model_pretraining), [recording](https://www.fau.tv/clip/id/25949))|
<!-- |2021-04-26| ? | ? | -->
<!-- |2021-05-24| ? | May be cancelled (public holiday after pentecoast at least in Germany) | -->