*[How to apply](https://www.cost.eu/funding/how-to-get-funding/how-to-apply/)
*[Documents and guidelines](https://www.cost.eu/funding/how-to-get-funding/documents-and-guidelines/),
including COST implementation rules, and [SESA guidelines](https://www.cost.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/COST-004-18-REV-COST_Open_Call_SESA_guidelines.pdf)
(submission, evaluation, selection, approval).
## Contents
# Overview
See the [infographic](https://www.cost.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/infographic_opencall2020.pdf)
* Identify your research challenge and explain how tackling it could lead to breakthroughs.
* Demonstrate how networking helps tackle the challenge.
* Present a detailed plan to reach your objectives in 4 years.
* Show you are able to engage the right stakeholders, having a balanced European participation,
gender representation and various career stages.
* Explain how you will maximise the impact of your idea.
The decision is communicated approximately at the end of 2020.
# Scope
Mainly research data in mathematics.
* Expand towards mathematical research data in other disciplines?
* Expand to include other digital tools for doing mathematics, such as software?
[Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC)](https://www.cost.eu/who-we-are/cost-strategy/excellence-and-inclusiveness/):
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia,
Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, **Slovenia**, Slovakia, Republic of North Macedonia, Republic of Serbia and Turkey.
The minimum number of countries included at the proposal stage is seven COST Members.
The required minimum number of ITC per number of COST full or cooperating members
represented in a proposal is determined on page 16 of the
[rules for participation and implementation](https://www.cost.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/COST-132-14-REV-6-Rules-for-Participation-in-and-Implementation-of-COST-Activities.pdf).
It needs to be strictly more than 50% (and so 4, if there are 7 cooperating members).
## Brainstorming
*[Logilab](https://www.logilab.fr/) was a [partner in OpenDreamKit](https://opendreamkit.org/people/partners/)
*[LMFDB](http://www.lmfdb.org/), John Cremona, University of Warwick, others?
### Places to look, etc
* Contact dataset authors/maintainers from the [list of math datasets](https://mathdb.mathhub.info)
The proposal is submitted by a network of proposers, represented by a Main Proposer.
The network needs to be composed of proposers from at least 7 COST Full or Cooperating Members,
satisfying the ICT criterion (below).
The proposal is submitted at any time through the on-line tool which allows the
Main Proposer to access and edit until the chosen Collection date: **April 29th, 2020**.
Only the last submitted version of a proposal will be considered for evaluation.
Proposals should be written in English.
The proposal is anonymous, and
> contains no reference to the proposers’
> and/or institutions’ names participating in the network of proposers,
> meaning that proposers and/or institutions’ names should neither be
> explicitly mentioned nor be potentially identifiable".
> Independent External Experts carry out the remote peer-review evaluation.
> They shall be identified, selected and assigned to proposals on the basis of
> their scientific and technological expertise necessary for the evaluation of proposals.
> This shall be notably based on keywords chosen by the network of proposers themselves.
* S&T excellence: **15 points**,
* Networking excellence: **15 points**,
* Impact: **15 points**,
* Implementation: **5 points**.
Total points: **50**, overall treshold: **34**.
(Proposals failing to achieve the overall threshold shall not be funded.)
More details on selection are in the rules for
[submission, evaluation, selection, and approval](https://www.cost.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/COST_133-14_COST_Action_Proposal_Submission_Evaluation_Selection_and_Approval-REV-4.pdf)
Proposal (draft) for a COST action dedicated to mathematical data