- Jan 15, 2024
MaZiFAU authored
BugFix: + R inputs updates now with scroll + R values have proper label SOMDocToLambdaExpression: + more constants + manual angle_between (TODO: autamatic per AST)
- Jan 13, 2024
MaZiFAU authored
BugFixes: + repaired Play/Create button in InGameEditor + null exception when deleting assigned fact / parsing null-hint + <no label> for defined and filtered facts from application + collission Player <> snapzone RenderedScrollFact.cs: + changed primary key from ID to ScrollFactURI ScrollDetails.cs: + fully enabled ScrollOverwrites + filtering null-"df" assignments from Scrolls + reduced number of dynamic scroll applications
- Jan 12, 2024
MaZiFAU authored
Bug Fixes: + invalid casting for List<dynamic> + slightly wrong validation for FunctionCallFacts + force enable studio stages for validation (not local) + Singelton in ScrollStatic wont be recycled due to infinite asyncs + SomDoc.Var: parameter binding priority reversed
- Jan 11, 2024
- Nov 07, 2023
- Sep 24, 2023
MaZiFAU authored
BugFixes; + Saving/Loading + Fetching Context somtimes skipped a fact Performance; + Dynamic Types will now try to simplify before SendToMMT() + Caching of Stages know activated
MaZiFAU authored
Known Bugs; + Saving/Loading [Experimental] BugFixes; + Server caching may pose the need for postponed Stage loading + Server cheches wrong label -> send fact with new one. + New Facts may have Definisions()==null -> null.ToString() for ID +-> MMTFact.ToString() as Fallback Facts; + Further decoupled from FactRecorder +-> labeling done JIT by FactRecorder + Caching: object CompiledValue && Expression CompileBase Misc; + added SOMDoc(from)Object(object) + StageStatic.ShallowLoadStages(bool): streamlined loading in case of failure due to unloaded dependecies (e.g.: ContextRecorder)
- Sep 23, 2023
MaZiFAU authored
- Sep 22, 2023
- Sep 20, 2023
MaZiFAU authored
MaZiFAU authored
TriangleFact; + first draft for topology/mesh + first draft for extracting colliders to tri-facts (StageBehaviour) +> including visual debug support + had to change some asset-import-setting to IsReadable FactRecorder; + tried to reduce number of Facts beiing send to MMT +-> delayed Twin creation +-> Ids may change during runtime + tradeof: compute(EquivalenceChecks) / Waiting for Server to answer + IDEAS: +-> switch to Fact as primary key and Id as secondary +-->see FunctionCallFact +-> bulk add
- Sep 19, 2023
MaZiFAU authored
- Sep 18, 2023
MaZiFAU authored
parseFact as IEnumerator; + noticably slower than non IEterator + but less stillframes + maybe go multithreaded? Bugfixes; + FasrForward() has issue for nested Ienumerables + Saving/Loading Dynamic<List/Tuple>Facts fixxed +-> need to reduce amount of loading savegames
MaZiFAU authored
MaZiFAU authored
FunctionFact; + caching LamdaExpression DynamicTupleFact; + parse only, iff it snot a generic tuple PushoutFacts; + support for duplicate Facts SOMDocToLambdaExpression; + Bugfix: ?InvertRealLit was wrongly assigned to Negate + employ cashing of lambdaexpression for FuncFacts (x4,5 faster)
- Sep 16, 2023
MaZiFAU authored
SOMDOC; + changed to OMLIT<T> from OMF, OMSTR[, OMBOOL] + added support for Anonymous/Dynamic Types: OML [formerly RECARG]
- Sep 14, 2023
MaZiFAU authored
Regenerated Demofiles; + 3D case functional +->TODO SolutionCheck Reworked Function(Call)Fact; + De/Serialization from MMT + Deleted AttachedFunctionFact + Sampled Equivalent for FunctionCallFact + Generalized Animation on event Facts; + Using SOMDoc/ServerDefinition.ToString, instead of URI + Breaking parity allowed: +-> Server rejected Fact +-> Temporary Fact vie MakeFact + parse Facts returns List<Fact> instead of Fact (for Lists/Tuple/FactCalls) + MakeFact(object): partially implemeted + Added IUnpackable.UnpackMe() for composite Facts (Lists/Tuple) DynamicFacts; [List, Tuple] + May hold data of dynamic unknown Signature Misc; + double inserted Facts will now "Hint" + added posibility to blacklist scrolls for dynamic request (e.g. very long/cannon ball) + Expanded and fixed Lambda-from-SOMDoc-Builder
- Sep 11, 2023
MaZiFAU authored
MaZiFAU authored
ScrollDetail: + standarsized method of fact injection and postprocessing (REVISIONIZE) + use mwthod for CanonBalls + upgraded fallback scrolls.json DemoFiles: + added CanonBall 3D (Calculator) + modified to be compatible Facts: + fixed some of the newer Facts + added RealLitFact ShapeGenerator: + Prisms now offset along normal + fixed some inconsequentially thrown errors Endpoints: + Fixed getType for FUNTYPE and others LambdaExpressions: + includes FactURIs + MMT Tuples will now be c# Tuples --> Including Isomorphismus for Vector3/?point/RxRxR + support ProjL/R + upgraded CallAnyFunction for more cases Generics/Interface/Array + First attempempt for lambda logic as used in MMT
- Sep 06, 2023
MaZiFAU authored
new ShapeGenerator-System: + added Plane/PrismGenerator; + Fixed Torus Mesh Generation + streamlined Generator process; + enabled normal offset; + Refactoring altered ShapePrefabs: + added Prism/Cone Prefab an entree in FactSpawner; + switched to using new ShapGenerator-System; + added BoundingPositioning.cs for dynamic TextPosition; refactored Facts: + added QuadFact + mostly moved semantic coherent Facts in own file + Some spelling and semantic errors
- Sep 04, 2023
MaZiFAU authored
Renaming: +FactManager => FactAdder +FactOrganizer => FactRecorder
MaZiFAU authored
MMTFunctions: +chabged to new FUN(TYPE) +changet to proper Tuple usage, +implemented: ProjL/R, FeedForward/StepUntil +ToType() for SomDocs +... Refactoring: +Popup/Behaviour BugFixes: +RightAngle +FallBackJasonScroll
- Jul 14, 2023
MaZiFAU authored
- Jul 13, 2023
MaZiFAU authored
- Jul 07, 2023
- Jul 06, 2023
MaZiFAU authored
Bug Fix: +Starting Game in RiverWorld gets stuck +Removed Guard clause from Loader QoL: +Increased Angle Hint visibility WIP: +AttachedFuncFact temporarely reverted to using Arrays (MMT type missing) ListFuncs V1.0: +ListFuncs fully Operational
MaZiFAU authored
to conform more with documented REST
- Jul 05, 2023
MaZiFAU authored
ListFact: +Intrduction, needed for lists on MMT server side +Incomplete +-> see SOMDocManager.MMT_OMS_URI.FactRef Bug Fix: +Fact Ordering was broken +ScrollFactContainer marked as IsSet wrongly +Angle Hint showed up with 0° HotFix; +Game Crash when Scrolls not loaded +-> patched with guard clausel (pls find better way)
- Jul 04, 2023
MaZiFAU authored
- Jul 02, 2023
MaZiFAU authored
BugFix/Feature: +"Hint" know marks actual Facts in Scene if present
MaZiFAU authored
Refactoring: -Eventbased Hint animation extended to sprites +->Added FactObjectUI +->Moved FactWrapper tree in own folder +->Used RectMask (does not work with normal one)
MaZiFAU authored
Refactoring: +Made Hint animation Eventbased +FatWrapper>FactObject>RenderedScrollFact +Fact.Representation is now FactObject Performance: +Fact to MMT now synchron, up to 30% faster Bug Fixes: +Lot Tool ignored ground hits