**NOTE: Time zone changes**
*From March 29, we will shift the meeting from 14:00 UTC to 13:00 UTC.
If you live in the Northern hemisphere and switch to daylight saving time, it should be the same local time as it used to.
Note that some countries may switch a few weeks earlier or later.
The shift makes it more convenient for our Japanese attendees.*
**NOTE: Reduced Meeting Frequency**
*As we have discussed in the last meeting, we will change the schedule and meet only every
four weeks for now.*
The SIGMathLing seminar is a seminar on mathematical language that currently occurs every four weeks.
It is intended as a forum for reporting on results and new developments and discussing them with fellow enthusiasts.
The seminar is open to anyone. If you are interested, just join the meeting. No registration etc. required.
*Please reach out if you are interested in presenting something. We are always looking for talks.*
* Every second Monday, starting at
* ~~Before March 29: 14:00 UTC (= 09:00 EST = 15:00 CET = 23:00 JST)~~
* After March 29: 13:00 UTC (= 09:00 EDT = 15:00 CEST = 22:00 JST)
* The seminar is strictly limited to 1 hour and presentations should be around 30 min to allow for discussion
* link: <>
We use the [SIGMathLing mailing list]( for announcements
and a mattermost channel for chat. To join the mattermost channel:
1. Go to <>
2. Click on the *GitLab* button
3. Sign in with your *GitHub* account
4. Please enter your real name in the settings so that we know who you are
5. On mattermost, you should have an almost empty list of channels. Under *public channels* click on *more...* to join the *SIGMathLing* channel.
|2022-01-10| Abdou Youssef | Machine Learning for Math: Vision and Intermediate Milestones |
|2021-08-30| - | *summer break* |
|2021-08-02| - | *summer break* |
|2021-07-05| - | *summer break* |
|2021-06-07| - | *summer break* |
|2021-05-10| Anton Lorenzen | A type system for natural language ([slides]( |
|2021-04-12| Deyan Ginev | Scientific Statement Classification over ([slides]( |
|2021-03-29| André Greiner-Petter | Comparative Verification of Digital Mathematical Libraries and Computer Algebra Systems ([slides]( |
|2021-03-15| Peter Koepke | Isabelle/Naproche |
|2021-03-01| Bernhard Schröder | Framed proofs -- Linguistic aspects of proof texts and frames |
|2021-02-01| Takuto Asakura | Towards Grounding of Formulae ([slides]( |
|2021-01-18| Jan Frederik Schaefer | A Symbolic Framework for Mathematical Language Understanding ([slides]( |
|2021-01-04| - | *cancelled (too close to New Year)* |
|2020-12-21| Deborah Mendes Ferreira | Premise Selection in Natural Language: Finding supporting facts for mathematical statements ([slides]( |
|2020-12-07|Deyan Ginev|Language and mathematics pretraining in 2021: preparing the large open datasets ([slides](|
<!-- |2021-04-26| ? | ? | -->
<!-- |2021-05-24| ? | May be cancelled (public holiday after pentecoast at least in Germany) | -->